Enhancing Cybersecurity through Incident Response and Threat Intelligence – “IRIS Final Exploitation Workshop”

20 June, 9:00-15:40, Budapeszt hall

Uptake of IoT and AI driven ICT systems in Europe is crucial for our common future, but it is dependent on our strategic ability to protect these systems from cyber threats and attacks on their privacy.


In this workshop you will acquire valuable insights into the complexities of incident reporting, the crucial functions of SOCs, and the strategic advantages of cross-border information sharing. Moreover, delve deeper into the realm of AI & IoT threats, and explore effective solutions for safeguarding critical infrastructure within smart cities.

H2020 IRIS aims to prepare the EU industry for the threats to IoT, ICS, AI and other systems. IRIS concept is proposed as a federated threat intelligence architecture that deploys autonomous detection of IoT and AI threats, enriched with privacy-aware intelligence sharing and collaboration, and advanced data protection and accountability.


IRIS will be demonstrated to workshop participants on 3 highly realistic environments of smart cities infrastructure – Helsinki, Tallin and Barcelona.




Presenting Organisation


Opening of the Workshop

European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)


The H2020 IRIS Project: Enhancing cyber-resilience through automated detection, sharing and response to cyber-threats in IoT and AI-driven smart city infrastructures



The IRIS Offerings & Sustainability Strategy

Netcompany – Intrasoft


Panel: Challenges of Incident Reporting

  • Matthias Muhlert (CISO, Oetker-Group)
  • Jan Iskrzycki (Managing Partner, Kloden)
  • Piotr Józefczyk (CISO RABEN Group, Chairman, Advisory Board, CISO #Poland)
  • Host: Dr. Andrzej Bartosiewicz (CEO, CISO # Poland, CISO @ CISO4U)


Presentation and Demo:
Success Story #1: Securing the smart city’s IoT and control systems against confidentiality & integrity breaches

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Netcompany – Intrasoft


Coffee break



Panel: The Crucial Role of Security Operations Center

  • Łukasz Faber (Director of Centre for Information Security, AGH University in Krakow)
  • Piotr Kluczwajd – CEO & Chief AI Officer at SOC360
  • Host: Jarek Sordyl (Chief Executive Officer & President, CISO4U and VP, CISO #Poland)


Presentation and Demo:
Success Story #2: Safeguarding Smart Grid environment against cyber threats and vulnerabilities

Tallinn University of Technology & Netcompany – Intrasoft


Lunch break



Panel: Securing Cyberspace Together: The Imperative of Cross-Border Threat Intelligence Sharing

Andrzej Cieślak, CEO, Dynacon & CEO, National Cyber Security Agency

14:45 – 15:05

Presentation: Why is CTI sharing not working?

Krzysztof Sieranski, CEO, Stillsec


Presentation and Demo: Success story #3: Protection of the AI-enabled infrastructure of the autonomous transport system

Tallinn University of Technology & Netcompany – Intrasoft


Closing of the Workshop


Mandatory Registration for the event

Kindly confirm your attendance by registering on the following link to secure your spot at this exclusive workshop. Space is limited, so we encourage you to RSVP at your earliest convenience.