Maj. Gen. Karol Molenda
Commander, Polish Cyber Command

International expert who specializes in building and implementing innovative solutions in the field of cybersecurity. Enthusiast and creator of improvements in the areas of: responding to computer incidents, computer forensics and ICT security.

Practiced and successfully achieved the goal set by the Minister of National Defense to establish the Cyberspace Defense Forces, based on the experience gained while managing and commanding many organizational units responsible for defense and protection of cyberspace in the national and allied dimension.

Special services officer, experienced in conducting operations in cyberspace.

Co-created and supervised scientific and research projects in the field of modern technologies (e.g. Milnet-T, Mercury Communicator). Co-organized one of the most advanced computer forensics laboratories.

Actively participated in activities aimed at building relations with allies and key partners on the international arena.

Brig. Gen. Karol MOLENDA graduated from the Military University of Technology (MSc) at the Faculty of Electronics and completed post-graduate MBA studies in the field of cyber security at the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology. Completed also postgraduate studies in the field of cybersecurity at the Warsaw Management University.