
Karel Obluk

Karel Obluk

Partner, Evolution Equity Partners

Karel Obluk is partner at Evolution Equity Partners, a multi-stage international investor leveraging deep sector expertise to help exceptional entrepreneurs develop market leading companies with global reach.

Prior to Evolution, Karel was CTO, Chief Scientist and interim CEO of AVG Technologies (NYSE:AVG) where he was the architect of the technology platform that today has approximately 400 million users. He led the company’s technology development taking it from a single product company to multi-product platform and to becoming a global leader. As General Partner at Evolution Equity Partners, Karel focuses on investments in technology companies that apply new innovative approaches to security, such as Cognitive Security - acquired by Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO), SecurityScorecard, OpenDNS (NASDAQ:CSCO), Onapsis, CarbonBlack, DFLabs, Eperi or Logpoint. Over the past ten years, he has also been actively advising various companies, acting as BoD or Advisory board member, or mentor. He is also actively supporting the Czech local startup and business angel ecosystem, as President of Czech Business Angel Association and board member of Business Angels Europe.

Karel holds a Ph.D. and MSc. in Computer Science from the Brno University of Technology. He was awarded a Kauffman Fellowship by the Palo Alto based Society of Kauffman Fellows. Karel’s native language is Czech, he is fluent in English and Slovak and can also speak German and Russian.