
Ewelina Kasprzyk

Ewelina Kasprzyk

R&D&I Specialist, AGH Cybersecurity Centre

Associated with the AGH Cybersecurity Centre since January 2024, where she is in charge of R&D&I initiatives and projects, as well as the development strategy for the Centre. Member of the Expert Team on Technology and Democracy at the Stefan Batory Foundation. Mentor in Young Female Leaders in STEM and Young Female Leaders in Security programs organized by WIIS Poland and Northrop Grumann. Author of expert publications such as reports and recommendations, as well as educational materials in the area of cybersecurity and disinformation. Previously associated with the Kościuszko Institute, as the organizer of the European Cybersecurity Forum CYBERSEC and Chief Editor of the European Cybersecurity Journal - a specialised publication on cyber security published by the Institute. 

Her research interests include the impact of technology on societies, in particular the role of social media and platforms in shaping the political landscape and democracy, AI and security nexus, as well as cyber diplomacy. 

She holds an MA degree in American Studies and an MSc in International Relations (specialisation: strategic studies) earned at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University.