
Eryk Libelt

Eryk Libelt

Ekspert ds. nowych technologii, inwestor, członek Rady Doradczej Klastra #CyberMadeInPoland

A graduate of the University of Gdańsk, majored in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Computer Science and Econometrics at the Faculty of Management. He has over 15 years of experience in the financial and technology sectors. From 2008 to 2015, he held managerial positions at MeritumBank, Kredyt Bank, BZWBK and Santander Bank. In 2015-2018, he was involved in building the technology startup Makeitright sp. z o.o., where he held the position of Member of the Management Board, in 2018-2020 as a Member of the Management Board of the company within the ProService Finteco group. Since 2020, he has been conducting investment and consulting activities in the field of M&A and business development processes as part of his own business. Since 2022, he has been the Chief Growth Officer at the technology company SolveQ sp. kom.-a.  Speaker and participant of many conferences in the field of modern technologies in Poland and around the world. Member of the Advisory Board of the Polish Cybersecurity Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland.